Adventures in Mind Mapping!

Great job with mind-mapping week 9!

Like others, I have not ever really thought of mind-mapping as a teaching tool, but more of an assessment/review tool.  Having used VUE many times in the MET program, I have learned that mind-mapping is a very versatile way of giving visual representation to thoughts and processes. And, the “thinking about thinking” or meta-cognition aspect really does help to extend your thinking and give opportunity for reflection. I wonder about using it as a group/collaborative activity however – I have never mind-mapped in collaboration! To me, mind-mapping is  VERY personal, and I can’t help but think  that having others alter my map, or add to it would make me uncomfortable – especially if their learning was radically different from mine.

As an elementary teacher (Gr. 6), I have introduced  concept mapping in a simplified way using SpiderScribe. Using my Smart-board, I have taken a concept (e.g. photosynthesis) and mapped the various components/aspects. (But, I have always done this as a teacher-led activity and have never asked the students to create one on their own or as a small group – maybe next year?) I have seen a lot of benefit in this activity at this level, as the more visual learners were able to make the connections much more easily.

I have never heard of Cacoo before, and for a free application it certainly does have merit. For my elementary students it would be too advanced, have a little too much of a learning curve, and the lag time would certainly cause them to lose interest. However, it is something that I could see myself using!

Smiles, Kimberlee


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